Rene Bakker, Netherlands, crossing North and South America, Yamaha, by Mike Sonzini, Park City Utah, USA,

"I just met traveller Rene Bakker from the Netherlands on his Yamaha XTZ660 at Flaming Gorge, Utah, USA. Click on 'Crossing America'. Page is mostly in Dutch for now. He is doing well but having a hard time avoiding speeding tickets."

there was even a note in his guestbook from a (female) police office he was stopped by, so he is making an impression...

from the website:

"... left his hometown Broekerhaven (Bovenkarspel) in the Netherlands, on the 22nd of July 2001 and started his journey at JFK airport in New York. His goal will be to reach Cape Horn within 1 Year. On his Internet site people will be able to follow his trip. Rene will send some stories and pictures and they will be shown on his site on a regular base. Unfortunately the language we use is Dutch but depending on the amount of visitors from the United States the site will be translated. It’s possible to leave a message to Rene here."

OK everyone, send Rene a note asking for translations, and remind him of the other English speaking countries out there... ;) Grant